FRequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Our typical growing season lasts from approximately late May through early October. Check social media for the latest updates on what’s in bloom.

Yes! During the growing season, we will have a farmstand and you can drop by to purchase flowers at your convenience. We will post full-service and self-service farmstand hours on social media.

Yes! Local delivery is available. Pricing for delivery is based on the order size, frequency and other factors. Please contact us for information on delivery options.

Yes! Flowers may be pick up from the farm during our scheduled pickup times which will be listed on the website, social media or in your order confirmation. All flower orders are pick up only unless otherwise in your order confirmation.

To ensure you are getting the freshest blooms possible, we do not currently ship any of our flowers.

In the rare event an event is canceled due to weather, you may use your ticket for a future session. If you are unable to reschedule, please contact us for additional help.

We do not allow pets on the farm.

Service animals which are defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability are allowed.

Emotional support, comfort, therapy or companion animals are not considered service animals and are not allowed.

We do not rent the farm for special events such as weddings, receptions or parties.


Yes! We encourage you to take pictures while you are here and to share them on social media. Please tag us on Instagram and Facebook to help spread the word!

We do not allow drones at the farm.

At this time we do not rent the farm for special events which includes individual photography sessions. You are welcome to take pictures during a U-Cut session but each person in your group including the photographer will need to purchase a ticket for the U-cut session. You will also need to work around other individuals in the fields and cannot “reserve” an area.

We do not allow any props to be brought to the farm.